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Cat's Wisdom

ThinkExist Dynamic daily quotation

The Lady Cat

dee. twenty something. single. a wannabe writer who's currently stuck living an editor's life. always have the perfect reason not to write. love lavender, cheese, tiramisu, tea, and cats. thinking of becoming a cheetah in the next life. current cat pet: 0. current dead cat pet: 5
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Bleh! Ini kantor ber-AC atau sauna?

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Judul Buku: Ulysess Moore: Door to Time

Nggak ada yang lebih menarik dari sebuah rumah tua. Ada banyak misteri, teka-teki, dan pertanyaan. Gabungkan dengan pemiliknya yang misterius dan tiga anak yang penasaran. Hasilnya adalah petualangan ke tempat yang nggak terduga.

Currently Listening

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Penyanyi : Shinhwa
Judul Album: Inspiration #1(2006)

Salah satu artis korea favorit gue adalah Shinhwa. Di album teranyar (paling gak yang gue dapat), mereka masih setia dengan irama lama mereka yang serba ngebeat (walau ada beberapa yang ballad). Lagu yang paling gue sukai adalah Paradise, Bokurano, Throw Your Fist.

Currently Watching

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Judul: 4400
Pemain: Patrick Flueger, Joel Gretsch, Jacqueline McKenzie

4400 bertutur tentang kisah 4400 orang yang hilang dari tahun 45 dan mendadak muncul bersama-sama. Bukan itu saja, mereka mendadak punya kekuatan ekstra. Ada apa di balik semua ini? Benarkah ada alien terlibat? Lumayan bagus, meski saya lebih suka Heroes.

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Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Gue Kreatip, lhoo....

Dari Blognya si Colleen Lupe anak KG, gue dapat fakta tentang orang-orang kreatif.

1. creativity is not connected with IQ
Benar? *ngelirik naskah yang gak mutu yang bikin IQ makin jongkok aja* hueheheh *bernapas lega*

2. creative people usually have the second language
Bahasa jawa, bahasa inggris...ummm...bahasa tubuh boleh diitung?Image hosted by

3. creative people look at things in different way
Termasuk beranggapan bahwa di Jakarta ini ada vampir super gede yang menghisap tenaga semua orang sehingga kita semua selalu capek?

4. creative people usually have high tolerance
hohohooo iya dwong.....Image hosted by

5. usually, creative people are the first or last born in the family
(with the first-borns, the case probably could be that they don't have role-models, and the parents also never experienced having a child before. while with the last-born, the case could be that - as ronald weasley said in book 1 - everything had been done with the older children, so when it came to the last-born there weren't anything new. so the last-born had to produce something that the parents never seen before or something that they don't expect)
-Me! First Born!

6. family of creative people tend to move around a lot
- Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Semarang, Jakarta (lagi), Jambi, Bandar Lampung, Jakarta (lagi.)...
Bokap gue malah pernah ngerasain Banda Aceh, Palembang, Ambon....

7. creative people tend to be sick in a long period of time between 6-9 years of age
Sepertinya waktu umur segitu gue udah kreatif menghindari penyakit...

8. creative people tend to have good sense of humour
Termasuk ketawa-ketiwi sendiri gak jelas?Image hosted by

9. making mistakes is one way of learning
Yeah.. tell it to my big boss..

10. creative people tend to engage in two kinds of sports, either individual sports or with other people. but never be the team sports.
Renang, jalan kaki (pagi berangkat kantor, pulang dari kantor.... 30 menit sehari lho!) ama senam jempol....hwaaa! Image hosted by you got it right!!!

11. creative people tend to be under-insurance
Gue gak pake asuransi. Risiko itu bagian dari kreativitas, jeee....

12. creative people usually trained in one discipline, but will be able to do other discipline (they are adaptable and ready for a new challenge hence they're always ready to change jobs/professions)
Lulus kriminologi... kerja jadi editor ekonomi dan seni... horeee... Image hosted by

13. creative people don't usually have hobby, but if they do they don't usually call it as a "hobby"
Hobi gue nulis ama ngegambar... kerjaan gue juga nulis ama nyorat-nyoret kerjaan orang lain. Waah sama.....Image hosted by

14. 65% of people under five-years of age in a population tend to be creative. (kids under 5-years-old tend to be creative, because all they do was play and experimenting everything, and this was before they were put in a structured environment called ... SCHOOL!!)
Gue percaya semua anak di bawah 5 taon kreatif... emang tuh sekolah matiin kreativitas.

Thanks for the writing, Colleen..

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